Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Your & Yourself

For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
-Shakespeare, Sonnet 94

Yes, i definitely agree that attitude resembles your true colour; that physical beauty will remain ugly if you tend not to improve yourself.

I love this sonnet and will always will ;)


Niezam said...

Yup do agree with it also,the inner side of us will remain with us if we just keep it as what it is :)

Ms Syakira said...

But most ppl tend to forget that.

Anonymous said...

waahh..so many roses...u like roses ke???by the way..it really nice..

Ms Syakira said...

Yup, thanks. Why? R u thinking 2buy me one? :p

Anonymous said...

huh??u want it??but flower did'nt last 4ever..mayb i just give the plastic flower...haha

switch_133 said...

still wif those sonnets? I 4got which sonnet that I gave u last yr ;) tk care sis..

Ms Syakira said...

Hi switch_133, since when you call me sis? LOL.
The one u gave me was sonnet 47, u may check the analysis again on the net :p

Ms Syakira said...

Thanks ijad. Selamat tahun baru juga! =)